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№ 22

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Конкурсы на соискание золотых медалей и
премий имени выдающихся ученых,
проводимые Российской академией наук
в 2002 - 2003 гг.

Дж. В. Ньемантсвердрит
Как готовить успешные устные и постерные презентации

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Премии по химии

Премии правительства РФ


Как готовить успешные устные и постерные презентации (часть 2)


Как ученые (и люди вообще) получают информацию о научных достижениях


За рубежом


Премии по химии

Премии по химии

Arthur W. Adamson
Award for Distinguished Service in the Advancement of Surface Chemistry

Sponsored by Occidental Petroleum Corp.

D. wayne Goodman, who currently holds a Robert A. Welch chair in chemistry at Texas A&M University, was born in Glen Alien, Miss., in 1945 and studied chemistry at Mississippi College in Clinton. He earned a Ph.D. degree in physical chemistry from the University of Texas, Austin, in 1974.

After completing his formal education, Goodman conducted research in surface science at the National Bureau of Standards (now known as the National Institute of Standards & Technology) - first as a postdoctoral associate and later as a staff scientist. In 1980, he moved to Albuquerque, where he served as a research scientist at Sandia National Laboratories from 1980 to 1984 and as head of the Surface Science Division from 1985 to 1988. In 1988, he was appointed professor of chemistry at Texas A&M.

Goodman's research career has focused on developing and applying surface analytical techniques to problems in surface chemistry - primarily heterogeneous catalysis. Through some 350 scientific publications, Goodman built an international reputation for establishing key relationships between a catalyst's activity and selectivity and structural properties of its surface. He is well known for elucidating the roles of promoters and poisons in catalytic reactions and for contributing to an understanding of metal-metal bonding in mixed-metal catalysts.

Catalysis researchers praise Goodman's work in quantifying the activity of model transition-metal catalysts over many orders of magnitude of reactant pressure. Goodman has studied several industrially significant reactions, including CO hydrogenation, NO reduction, and alkane hydrogenolysis. His work on well-defined metal catalyst particles on metal oxide support materials is also highly acclaimed.

Goodmans views on ideal and model scientific systems are well known. But less known are his thoughts on ideal and model scientists. Those ideas were formed during his years at NIST working under the direction of two researchers, both of whom are presently professors of chemistry and physics. Referring to them as his "heroes and role models," Goodman describes John T. Yates Jr. of the University of Pittsburgh and Theodore E. Madey of Rutgers University, as "first-rate scientists and gentlemen who enjoy themselves while doing research and always get along so well with people."

And just as Goodman looks to Yates and Madey as examples of the right way to do science, others look to him. For example, W. Henry Weinberg, professor of chemical engineering and chemistry at the University of California, Santa Barabara, says, "In my laboratory, the policy is clear: All of Wayne Goodman's papers are required reading." Weinberg goes on to say that Goodman's careful and methodical practices - from planning and executing experiments to analyzing and writing up results clearly - should serve as a model for every research scientist.

The award address will be presented before the Division of Colloid & Surface Chemistry.


ACS Award in Colloid Chemistry

Sponsored by Procter & Gamble Co.

When Charles M. Knobler, professor of chemistry at the University of California, Los Angeles, started studying monolayers, he "thought they would be a simple system to study the kinds of things" he was interested in.

Knobler's pioneering work in imaging monolayers "opened a new
2-D world", says Howard Reiss, professor emeritus at UCLA. "Until Knobler's work, our understanding of the phase behavior of monolayers was inferred from thermodynamic studies. By rendering the structures of monolayers visible, he was able to determine both phase boundaries and the nature of monolayer phases."

"The monolayers were much more complicated than I thought," Knobler says. "Monolayers turned out to be like complex fluids, more akin to things like liquid crystals than to simple substances. We know now that even in simple systems, monolayers may have about a dozen different kinds of phases and that they self-assemble into interesting structures," including star defects, stripes, and spirals, he explains.

Knobler considers the field of complex fluids to be on the borderline between chemistry, physics, and chemical engineering. "Everything I've done has been on this borderline," Knobler says. "I'm a chemist for the way I attack a problem, but I publish in physics journals as often as I publish in chemistry journals.

Knobler likes to describe research as being similar to filling in a crossword puzzle. "You look it over and you say there's no way I can solve this puzzle. Then little by little you fill in a few more words. You do some erasing; you've made some mistakes. Toward the end it fills in very quickly," he says. "That's the fun of research. You suppose a problem that you have difficulty understanding. Then somehow you hope something clicks, and you're able to finish it."

Born in 1934, Knobler received a B.A. in chemistry from New York University in 1955, with minors in physics and English. In graduate school, he started out in a chemistry program at Pennsylvania State University but switched to physics when he received a Fulbright Scholarship to work at Kamerlingh Onnes Laboratory at the University of Leiden in the Netherlands. He received his Ph.D. in molecular physics from the University of Leiden in 1961. He was a postdoctoral fellow in the department of chemistry at Ohio State University and then was a research fellow in the department of chemical engineering at California Institute of Technology. He joined the chemistry faculty at UCLA in 1964.

Knobler has received many awards, including the Alexander von Humboldt Senior Award twice - from the University of Mainz in 1990 and from Max Planck Institute, Berlin, in 1998. He is currently a senior editor of the Journal of Physical Chemistry.

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