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№ 61


  • Р.А. Буянов.
    К 85-летию со дня рождения
  • Присуждение премий Правительства Российской Федерации
    Отчет о научно-организационной деятельности в 2011 году
  • 10-й Европейский Конгресс по катализу
  • За рубежом
  • Приглашения на конференции

Р. А. Буянов. К 85-летию со дня рождения


Присуждение премий Правительства Российской Федерации


Научный совет по катализу ОХНМ РАН


Основные результаты научных исследований 2011 г


Секция промышленного катализа


10-й Европейский Конгресс по катализу (EuropaCat X)


За рубежом

Boudart Award for James A. Dumesic

In June 2011, Steenbock Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering James Dumesic (University of Wisconsin, Madison) received the Michel Boudart Award for Advances in Catalysis, sponsored by the Haldor Topsøe Company and administered jointly by the North American Catalysis Society and the European Federation of Catalysis Societies. The Award was presented at the 22nd North American Meeting of the Catalysis Society (Detroit, June 2011) and at Europacat X (Glasgow, August 2011).

This Award recognizes and encourages individual contributions to the elucidation of the mechanism and active sites involved in catalytic phenomena and to the development of new methods or concepts that advance the understanding and the practice of heterogeneous catalysis. It is meant to recognize individuals who bring together the rigor and the international impact that exemplifies the accomplishments and the career of Professor Michel Boudart.

Professor Dumesic was recognized for his pioneering work on the transformation of biomass-derived molecules to chemicals and fuels. In a combination of discovery and refinement, driven by catalytic insight that is his hallmark, Dumesic and his coworkers used thermodynamic and kinetic considerations, combined with catalyst optimization to develop a one-step aqueous phase reforming route from sugars and other biomass-derived oxygenates to hydrogen and/or alkanes. The work was guided by mechanistic insights about the relative rates of C-C cleavage, leading to the formation of H2 and CO/CO2, and C-O cleavage, which forms alkyl moieties, and led to the optimization of aqueous phase reforming for either H2 or alkane products. His studies elucidated catalysts and reaction conditions for polyol reforming that favor C-C cleavage with minimal water-gas shift, thereby allowing glycerol reforming and Fischer-Tropsch synthesis to occur within a single reactor. These discoveries were quickly followed by two new and innovative catalytic conversion processes. One approach employs a cascade of reactors, each designed to sequentially attack specific functional groups; these reactions remove oxygen, achieve carbon-carbon bond synthesis, and steer the final upgrading steps towards the desired fuel molecules. These studies have shown how metal functions, moderated by another metal, can convert sugars and polyols to mono-functional intermediates, such as ketones, alcohols, and carboxylic acids, by balancing the rates of C-C and C-O cleavage. This approach led to strategies to form new C-C bonds via coupling of these mono-functional intermediates to adjust chain length, as in the case of ketonization catalysis of carboxylic acids on mixed oxides and subsequent aldol-condensation to react ketones and alcohols on solid bases. Another novel approach involved γ-gamma-valerolactone decarboxylation to butene and its oligomers and, in related work, the use of metal-acid bifunctional catalysts to convert valerolactone to C9 ketones by coupling ring-opening and C=C bond hydrogenation with the ketonization of resulting pentanoic acid.

This body of work has redefined the frontiers of fundamental catalysis while simultaneously addressing the critical worldwide needs for renewable energy sources and epitomizes the confluence of elegance and relevance in catalysis that the Boudart Award intends to recognize.

Dumesic studied chemical engineering at the University of Wisconsin, and in 1974 he obtained his PhD from Stanford University, working under M. Boudart. In 1976, after postdoctoral stays in France, Denmark, and Russia, he joined the Chemical Engineering Faculty at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, where he is the Steenbock Chair of Engineering. His research group is currently studying the fundamental and applied aspects of catalytic processes involved in the conversion of biomass feeds into fuels and chemicals. Dumesic is on the editorial boards of ChemSusChem and ChemCatChem. He has received several honors in the field of catalysis and chemical engineering, including the William H. Walker Award (2009).

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