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№ 18

Обложка номера


Памяти академика В.М. Грязнова

Катализ: взгляд сквозь годы (продолжение)
М.Г. Слинько.
О становлении и развитии математического моделирования
каталитических процессов

Новости науки

За рубежом

Премии по химии

Памяти академика В.М. Грязнова


Катализ: взгляд сквозь годы


Новости науки


За рубежом

Materials Research Innovations

Materials Research Innovations is obviosly suitable for your newer papers on hot research wich naturally everyone wants to send to Science or Nature or some Letters Journal. Some authors are sending to Materials Research Innovations, very soon thereafter, the fuller papers, with more figures and date (wich Nature and Science will not accept). This also achieves for you the early date of receipt at MRI, and very rapid acceptance if it meets our objective super-peer review criteria. And with the possible arguments with reviewers at other journals, the MRI version could appear almost simultaneously. (As you know in such cases the contents of the paper should be substantially expanded or different from the Note or Letter submitted elsewhere.)

The journal will publish original papers in different lenght, conference announcements and reports, and a section "New Developments in Materials" giving the latest news on sophisticated research and engineering results.

Special electronic features and coloured figures can be included in the electronic version of the journal wich is available on the Internet in advance of the printed version.

Abstracted/Indexed in:

Current Contents/Engineering, Computing, and Technology, Current Contents/Physical, Chemical and Earth Sciences, Material Science Citation Index.

Instructions to Authors


The content of submitted manuscripts must fall within the scope of the journal and must be written in English. Papers must report on original, unpublished work that is not being considered for publication elsewhere.

Authors bear full responsibility for the content of their published papers. In addition, no submission is complete without the inclusion of one author's bibliography listing her/his published papers. The normal benchmark for scientists in academia is 30 papers; fewer for those in industry.

Authors will be advised separately how to handle the page proofs; in any case, the corrected proofs should be returned to the publisher without delay (maximum of 14 days).

The corresponding author will receive two copies of the issue in which the paper appears. Reprints can be purchased at the time proofs are returned.


е This journal will accept papers in all the core areas of materials research. Papers may be experimental or theoretical; on metals, polymers, ceramics, composites, electronic materials, biomaterials.

е Length is not a limiting factor. The principal common feature of all papers will be that the results are new, unexpected, innovative.


е Manuscripts have to be submitted in triplicate. Papers should be typed with wide margins on A4 or quarto paper of adequate density. The text should be double-spaced throughout, including references, figure legends, table captions, and footnotes. Words should not be underlined for emphasis. Appropriate typefaces will be assigned during the editing process. All typed pages must be numbered consecutively at the top right-hand corner, beginning with the title page.

е Diskettes. Authors are required to provide the files on diskette (formatted for DOS or Macintosh systems) in addition to the printout when the manuscript is first submitted for consideration. Files should be stored in two versions: (a) in the standard file format offered by your word processing system, and (b) in one of the interchange formats listed below, in declining order of preference: RTF (Microsoft Rich Text Format);

DCA/RFT (Document Containment Architecture/Re visable Form Text); DCA/FFT (Document Containment Architecture/Final Form Text); or ASCII or "text only."

е Tables and figures must appear on separate sheets at the end of the manuscript. The placement of tables and figures within the document should be indicated in angled brackets in the left-hand margin of the manuscript printout. All tables and figures must be in black and white unless the author is prepared to pay the cost of color printing. Electronic versions of figures should be TIFF files (preferred) if at all possible. JPEG scanned at 600 dpi are also acceptable.

е Footnotes to the title of the paper should be indicated by asterisks; footnotes to the text should be numbered consecutively. Footnotes to the tables should be marked by lowercase letters.


As a rule, manuscripts should contain the following: title page, abstract, key words (up to ten), introduction, analysis of previous work (indicating how the literature was searched and an indication of the innovative character of the work), experimental, results and discussion, conclusions, acknowledgements, references, tables (with titles), captions, figures.

The title page should contain: the name(s) of the author(s), with all first names written out, the institute(s) at which the work was carried out, with all author affiliations indicated; the author to whom correspondence is to be sent; telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail addresses.

In general SI units should be used. Chemical formulae and nomenclature must be unambiguous and in accordance with the relevant international recommendations. Abbreviations and uncommon symbols should be explained at first mention.

An abstract is required. It should be no longer than 200 words, not too technical, and should concisely present the results of the paper, and indicate the special innovative features of the work. This must be followed by up to 10 keywords which describe the research.

The introduction should be clear and brief and should include the relevant references.

In the experimental sections all materials used and the methods by which the results were obtained must be clearly described.

All papers must include a section entitled "Relation to Previous Work" in which the author records exactly what she/he did, however slight or extensive the search, to leam of the previous work in the field. Literature data bases which have been searched should be explicitly mentioned and the sequence of keywords used in the search. Authors should be especially careful to study previous work since comments by other authors who may feel their work is relevant will be published automatically. This section must end by pointing out the key innovation(s), advances over, or differences form previous work. This is the key element for the editor to judge the suitability of any paper for the journal.

Conclusions should stress the major findings, outlining their significance and indicating any possible future.

Acknowledgements of financial support, technical assistance, etc. may be given at the end of the main body of the paper.

References must be numbered consecutively as they are cited. Citations in the text should oe by numbers in square brackets on the line of typing.

Book titles are given, but titles of journal articles are not. References should follow the examples below:

Unwin PR, Bard A. (1992) J phys chem 96:5035

Kaesche H (1990) Die Korrosion der Metalle, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York

Inzelt G (1994) Mechanism of charge transport in polymermodified electrodes. In: Bard AJ (ed) Electroanalytical chemistry, vol 18. Dekker, New York Basel Hong Kong, pp 89-241

Tables should be submitted on separate sheets and numbered consecutively throughout.

Figures should also be submitted on separate sheets and electronically. Color illustrations will be accepted; however, the authors will be expected to make a contribution toward the additional costs (approx. DM 1200.00 for the first and DM 600.00 for each additional page). If the author does not wish to assume these costs, the figures must be electronically submitted in black and white. The captions should be presented together on a separate sheet.

Line drawings are preferable to photographs. Photocopies are not suitable for reproduction. Inscriptions should be clearly legible.

Author's Bibliography, as noted above, the bibliography of any one author showing the latest 30 papers (fewer if from industry) must be included.

MANUSCRIPT SUBMISSION The following items will constitute a full submission:

е Three copies of the manuscript which includes the features noted in the paragraph above on composition, and a copy on diskette.

е 10 key words.

е The bibliography of one of the authors (or of a colleague who communicates the paper) with at least 30 publications in peer-reviewed journals.

е The manuscript should be sent to:

Editor in Chief, Rustum Roy

MR1 Headquarters, 102 Materials Research Laboratory, University Park, PA 16802

Telephone: 814-865-2610 Fax: 814-863-7040

E-mail: matresinnov@psu.edu

Rustum Roy

Introducing New Features in this Journal

Materials Research Innovations has been conceived as the "innovation" in the business of publishing scientific articles. One of the key departures from most scientific publishing - the distinctiveness of this journal - is our use of super peer review as an improvement over the time consuming and anti-innovation bias of traditional peer review. In super peer review we, in effect, review the author not the particular piece of research. Many countries' "National Academies" or "Royal Societies" have used the process for generations in their "Proceedings" Journals. That super peer review process has resulted in both first-rate science and very few examples of shoddy science or scientific fraud or egregious errors. On the other hand, it should be remembered that much recent scientific fraud (concocted experiments, painted mice, etc.) has appeared in traditionally peer reviewed journals. Hence it is obvious that such peer review cannot protect against clever fraud since no reviewer can stop to repeat the experiments. Super peer review builds on the long track record of the author and her/his probable unwillingness to compromise that.

But innovation does not relate only to the form and process of science-publishing. It must extend to content. And, of course, the goal of this journal is to eventually become known as the journal of choice for the real innovations in content and results in any aspect of materials research. That will take time as we build our own track record. MRI has dared to live by its own standards and publish some very intriguing and outside-the-paradigm papers. Some of these really new results have already been confirmed, justifying our risk, but it is too early to claim victory for all.

Yet, we cannot rest on our laurels. Concerning the content, we will be starting our first comprehensive review articles in the next issue. This inclusion of reviews is now becoming more prevalent in traditional journals. MRI's innovation in its review articles will be the inclusion of the earlier scientific context of the field. Regrettably with the computerized databases reaching back only to about 1970, much of the earlier, often more detailed, work is missed. What is missing is much more than a few references. The more basic conceptual scientific framework is lost.

In this issue we introduce another aspect of novel content. We note that some of the world's most prestigious journals (Nature, Science, etc) include much more than just results of science. They publish a great deal about the context of science: private and public science policies, and the business, technological, and societal ramifications thereof. The separation between the results of science and its governance grows more threadbare with time. In this issue we publish a paper on science policy and the evaluation of its effectiveness. And we invite other authors to consider submitting both review articles and social, economic and political commentary on science and how it is done.

Премии по химии


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