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№ 19

Обложка номера


К семидесятилетию академика Владимира Борисовича Казанского

О конкурсах на соискание золотых медалей и премий имени выдающихся ученых, проводимых Российской академией наук в 2002 году

Kirill Zamaraev Fund
for Support of Travel for Students and Scholars from Russia and FSU Countries

Премии в области катализа

Новости науки

Катализ в промышленности (Catalysis in industry)

Гость номера :
академик Ю.А. Золотов "Химики, проявившие себя в иных областях"

К семидесятилетию академика Владимира Борисовича Казанского


О конкурсах на соискание медалей и премий


Kirill Zamaraev Fund

Kirill Zamaraev Fund for Support of Travel for Students and Scholars from Russia and FSU Countries

The Kirill Zamaraev Fund has been established by the North American Catalysis Society (NACS) to assist students and scholars working in the field of catalysis in Russia and FSU countries, who plan to attend a technical meeting within the U.S. To obtain support from this Fund, a formal application must be submitted to Prof. Alexis T. Bell [Department of Chemical Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-1462, USA; bell@cchem.berkeley.edu] for committee review and state the title, dates, and location of the meeting. Individuals seeking support should also indicate whether or not a paper has been accepted for presentation at the meeting. If a paper has been accepted, the title and abstract for the paper should be submitted. Strong preference will be given to applicants who will be presenting a paper. Applications for support from the Zamaraev Fund should be received at least three months in advance of the meeting in which the applicant would like to participate.

Support from the Zamaraev Fund can be used to offset travel and registration expenses, and will be in an amount not to exceed $1000. (The total funds budgeted are $2000/2 years.) The meeting or symposium that the applicant would like to attend must have a clear focus on catalysis such as, symposia on catalysis held as part of a national ACS or AIChE meeting, a meeting of the North American Catalysis Society, or the Gordon Conference on Catalysis.

Each person receiving support from the Zamaraev Fund will be required to complete Internal Revenue Service (IRS) forms 1001 and 1042-S. These forms will be provided by NACS and should be completed by recipient and returned to NACS, so that they can be filed with the IRS at the appropriate time.

Премии в области катализа


Новости науки


Катализ в промышленности (Catalysis in industry)


"Химики, проявившие себя в иных областях"


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