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№ 29

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В Научном совете по катализу

К 100-летию со дня рождения А.М.Рубинштейна (19004 - 1993)

К 70-летию ИОХ им Н.Д.Зелинского РАН

Судьба отраслевых институтов

За рубежом



В Научном совете по катализу


К 100-летию со дня рождения А.М.Рубинштейна (19004 - 1993)


К 70-летию ИОХ им Н.Д.Зелинского РАН


Судьба отраслевых институтов


За рубежом

2004 Japan Prize Dr. Kenichi Honda and Dr. Akira Fujishima honoured for their photocatalysis research

Dr. Kenichi Honda (Tokyo Polytechnic University) and Dr. Akira Fujishima (Kanagawa Academy of Science and Technology) have been honoured as Laureates of the 2004 Japan Prize for their pioneering work on photochemical catalysis and its applications for the environment.

Concerning the reasons for the award the following was stated. Our society consumes a huge amount of fossil fuels to provide energy and resources for industrial and economical activities. This has caused various local environmental problems, acidification of the environment on a regional scale and finally global warming and other effects. There is also concern over the prospect that fossil fuels will eventually be exhausted. Innovation in chemistry and in chemical technology for the production of environmentally benign materials and processes, which significantly contribute to the improvement of the environment, is therefore strongly to be desired to realize the sustainable development of society.

Dr. Honda and Dr. Fujishima reported in 1971 that by irradiating a single crystal titanium dioxide (TiO2) electrode connected with a platinum black electrode, using a light of higher energy than the band-gap energy of TiO2, they were able to bring about the splitting of water into hydrogen and oxygen. This reaction is considered similar to photosynthesis, and thus the possibility of construction of artificial photosynthetic systems and the possibility of conversion of solar light into chemical energy that is, hydrogen as a clean energy have been suggested. Since that time, intensive research has been conducted on photoelectrochemistry and photochemical diodes. Most published papers by other experts have cited the 1971 paper by Dr. Honda and Dr. Fujishima. In other words, this is a milestone paper and a major watershed in studies of metal oxide catalysis, as it is affected by light activation.

While more research into chemical solar energy conversion has been carried out, it has been demonstrated that the strong oxidative power of TiO2 can be used to decompose environmental pollutants, bacteria and other substances. Dr. Fujishima elucidated the mechanism of oxidative decomposition of pollutants and bacteria under extremely low-intensity UV illumination. Furthermore, he developed methods for preparation of new photocatalytic materials such as thin film TiO2 coated glass and other supporting materials. Under illumination with solar light or using artificial lights, the TiO2 coated glass, tile, stainless steel and other materials with a self-cleaning function are being applied to windows and mirrors of automobiles, to glass covers of fluorescent lamps used for lighting traffic tunnels, to antibacterial tiles in hospitals, and to outer walls of tents and buildings.

Dr. Honda and Dr. Fujishima have provided us with a basis for reaching one of the ultimate goals of science and technology, that is, the conversion of solar energy to chemical materials and energy such as hydrogen from photosplitting of water. Furthermore, the development of the self-cleaning coatings of TiO2 on a variety of surfaces exposed to the ambient environment has been a strong driving force to produce a new industry of photocatalysts. These two scientists have made large contributions to "Chemical Technology for the Environment" for the conservation of the global environment and the sustainable development of society. Therefore, Dr. Honda and Dr. Fujishima deserve the 2004 JAPAN PRIZE.

Applied Catalysis A: General
Volume 260, Issue 1 - march 2004

Avetia, Rohm and Haas roll out catalyst technology for drugmakers

Avecia and Rohm and Haas debuted new polymer-enhanced catalyst technologies targeting drug manufacturing at the 14th Convention on Pharmaceutical Ingredients (CPhI) in Frankfurt, Germany, last month. Avecia introduced an encapsulated palladium catalyst, Pd EnCat, developed in partnership with chemistry professor Steve Ley at Cambridge University. The technology is touted as promoting higher throughput and cleaner reactions through reduced metal contamination and solvent reduction. Pd EnCat is based on encasing palladium and any required activating ligands in a polyurea microcapsule bead. Peter Jackson, Avecia's vice president for pharmaceutical products, says the firm plans to form a spin-off company to market the product and develop new catalyst technologies for pharmaceutical applications. Jackson expects the new firm to start Jan. 1, 2004. It will initially employ 20, mostly chemists and other scientists. Meanwhile, the new biopharmaceuticals unit of Rohm and Haas's resins business debuted an enzyme immobilization polymer for biocatalysis that uses oxirane chemistry. The Ambersynth resin can be used in place of ion-exchange or adsorption resins, with the advantage that the enzyme is chemically bonded to the resin bead surface, allowing better control of reactions.

Degussa raises H2O2 capacity

Degussa will expand its hydrogen peroxide unit in Barra do Raicho, in Brazil's Esplrito Santo state, by 50š% to 60,000 metric tons per year. Construction is scheduled to be completed by the second half of 2004. The multi-million-dollar unit, located close to Brazil's major pulp production areas, requires limited construction and will set the stage for future expansions. Degussa says South America will continue to play a key role in its H2O2 business because the region boasts some of the lowest pulp production costs in the world.

C & EN / November 10, 2003

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