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№ 33

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Отчет Научного совета по катализу за 2004 г.

М.Г. Слинько "Эссе о нелинейности в катализе"

Терминология в гетерогенном катализе
под ред. Р.П.Бурвелла
Русский перевод
Ориганальная версия

За рубежом

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Отчет Научного совета по катализу за 2004 г.


М.Г. Слинько "Эссе о нелинейности в катализе"


Терминология в гетерогенном катализе (под ред. Р.П.Бурвелла ) Предисловие.


Русский перевод


Ориганальная версия


За рубежом

Discerning chiral-catalyst selectivity

Screening chiral catalysts based on catalytic intermediates avoids the pitfalls of methods based on product analysis. Enantiomeric ratios of products do not truly reflect catalyst selectivity because of interference from background reactions or catalyst impurities. A better picture can be gleaned from directly monitoring positively charged catalyst-reactant complexes by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Christian Markert and Andreas Pfaltz at the University of Basel, in Switzerland, demonstrate the concept with palladium-catalyzed kinetic resolution of allylic esters [Angew. Chem. Int. Ed, 43, 2498 (2004)].

With use of a 1:1 mixture of pseudoenantiomeric substrates (enantiomers labeled with substituents of different masses), the catalyst-reactant complexes formed from the pseudoenantiomers can be observed as separate peaks in the mass spectrum. Relative selectivities of catalysts then are established from the ratios of peak heights. Markert and Pfaltz further show that simultaneous screening of multiple catalysts in the same homogeneous solution is possible. The method also will work with reactions of meso compounds but cannot be applied directly to asymmetric transformations of prochiral substrates.

C$EN / MAY 24, 2004

Mesopores go chiral

A strategy for synthesizing mesoporous silica produces rods of material with chiral pores. This pore chirality is of potentially great value, as it might allow enantioselective catalysis or pharmaceutical manufacturing. But synthesizing such materials has been difficult. Now, chemistry professor Shunai Che at China's Shanghai JiaoTong University and colleagues report that the material, produced by self-assembly of chiral anionic surfactants and inorganic precursors, takes the form of twisted hexagonal rods 130-180 nm in diameter and l-6 μm long [Nature, 429, 281 (2004)]. The rods are filled with chiral channels 2.2 run in diameter that wind around the rod axis. Although die pores in individual rods are chiral, the collections of rods themselves are mixtures of left- and right-handed crystals, an issue the authors are studying.

C $EN / MAY 3, 2004


George A. Olah Award in Hydrocarbon or
Petroleum Chemistry

Sponsored by the George Olah Endowment

"I went off to college barely able to speak English," says Enrique Iglesia of his early days at Princeton University. But that didn't stop the Cuban immigrant from excelling in school. "When you come to a new place and don't speak the language, you find other means of communicating," he adds. Indeed, Iglesia, who currently is a professor of chemical engineering at the University of California, Berkeley, had no trouble finding his comfort zone in spite of the language barrier because, as he puts it, "the languages of chemistry and mathematics are universal."

Iglesia was interested in science since his elementary school days and, by the time he was a teenager, he recognized the practical value of education. "I knew I needed to apply myself in school or else I would end up unloading grocery trucks and stocking store shelves," he recalls. Iglesia knew all about that type of work from jobs he held as a 15-year-old in Mexico, where his family spent about one year en route to the U.S. And so the young Iglesia concentrated on his schoolwork and even enrolled in college math classes while still in high school.

Iglesia's interest in catalysis developed during his Princeton years partly under the influence of the late Leon Lapidus, who at the time was chairman of the chemical engineering department. Also influential was William B. Russel, a young Princeton faculty member who encouraged Iglesia to pursue a graduate eduction in catalysis at Stanford University with professor Michel Boudart. In addition to those influences, rewarding summer internships at Exxon research laboratories led Iglesia to a career in catalysis research.

Catalysis experts note that Iglesia's research accomplishments are characterized by "an incredible combination of breadth and depth." For example, in the past decade he has broadened under standing in several key areas of catalysis, including the function of oxide nanostructures in acid and oxidation catalysis and the role of metal-exchanged zeolites as catalysts in alkane-conversion chemistry. Iglesia has also made contributions in methane reforming, production of alcohols and higher hydrocarbons from synthesis gas, and development of membrane reactors for direct conversion of alkanes to valuable products.

Colleagues have no shortage of laudatory remarks for Iglesia. James A. Dumesic, a professor of chemical engineering at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, remarks that Iglesia's research papers are marked by "meticulous attention to detail" and that his interpretations of results are "always insightful and thought provoking." And fellow Berkeley chemical engineering professor Alexis T. Bell notes that Iglesia "is regarded as one of the leading researchers in the field of catalysis." He adds that few people "have contributed more to the field through their scientific work and leadership."

Iglesia, 50, graduated from Princeton in 1977 with a bachelor's degree in chemical engineering and continued his education at Stanford, where he earned a Ph.D. degree in chemical engineering in 1982. From 1982 to 1993 he served as a research associate and later as head of the catalysis section at Exxon's corporate research laboratories, Annandale, N.J. Since 1993, Iglesia has been a professor at UC Berkeley and a faculty scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. He is the director of the Berkeley Catalysis Center and editor-in chief of Journal of Catalysis.

The award address will be presented before the Division of Petroleum Chemistry.

C $EN / JANUARY 10, 2005

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