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№ 44

Обложка номера


Е.З. Голосман
(К 70-летию со дня рождения)

Научный совет по катализу ОХНМ РАН
Отчет о Научно-организационной деятельности в 2007 году

В.Н. Снытников
О конференции "Происхождение и эволюция биосферы", Лутраки, Греция

В.В. Городецкий
Лауреат Нобелевской премии по химии 2007 года Герхард Эртл

Сертификат журнала "Journal of Catalysis"

Г.И. Панов
Участие Российских ученых в работе 8-го Европейского конгресса по катализу Europacat-VIII (Статистические данные)

За рубежом

Приглашения на конференции

Евгений Зиновьевич Голосман. К 70-летию со дня рождения


Научный совет по катализу ОХНМ РАН. Отчет о научно-организационной деятельности в 2007 году


О конференции "Происхождение и эволюция биосферы"


Лауреат Нобелевской премии по химии 2007 года Герхард Эртл


Сертификат журнала Journal of Catalysis


Участие Российских ученых в работе 8-го Европейского конгресса по катализу, Europacat-VIII


За рубежом


Nominations for The Tanabe Prize for Acid Base Catalysis

The Tanabe Prize for Acid Base Catalysis is sponsored by The International Acid-Base Catalysis (ABC) Group. It is administrated by The ABC Group and will be awarded at ABC-6 and at all subsequent ABC conferences. Each awardee will be asked to give a plenary lecture. The award consists of a plaque and a prize of $ 2000. Up to an additional $ 1000 will be made available for otherwise non-reimbursed travel expenses.

The award is given in recognition of substantial contributions to the field of acid and/or base catalysis. It may be given either to a young person who has demonstrated real promise in the early part of his/her career, or to an individual at any stage of his/her career (subject to the age requirement below), who has made significant contributions to the area within the six years preceding the award.

Selection of the awardee will be made by a committee appointed by a vote of the board members of The ABC Group. The nominees should not have passed their 56th birthday on 10 May 2009 on which date the award will be presented at the ABC-6 conference in Genova, Italy 10-14 May 2009 (htttp://www.catalisidichep.unige.it/ABC-6.htm ).

Nomination packages should indicate the nominee's qualifications, accomplishments, nominating letter, one optional seconding letter and a biography of the nominee. A critical evaluation of the significance of the candidate's qualifications should be made as well as a statement of the particular contribution(s) on which the nomination is based. Nomination packages for the Award must be received by 1 June 2008.

All nomination packages (one electronic copy) should be sent to Jacques Védrine, President, The ABC Group, at vedrine@ccr.jussieu.fr. An email receipt message will be sent to each nominator.

Smart drops

J. Am. Chem. Soc. doi:10.1021/ja072292a (2007)

Artificial cell-like compartments can be linked into networks that act as devices, show Matthew Holden of the University of Oxford and his co-workers.

Each compartment is a water droplet, typically less than 1 millimetre across, surrounded by a lipid monolayer and immersed in oil (pictured below). When two droplets stick together, they are separated by a cell-membrane-like lipid bilayer, which can host membrane proteins such as ion channels that allow communication between the "cells".

The researchers created a chain of three droplets containing solutions of different ions with channels in the connecting walls to pump the ions. This acted as a "biobattery", generating a current. Also, a network of droplets connected through the light-sensitive proton pump bacteriorhodopsin offered an electrochemical light-meter that mimics light-detecting retinal cells.

Vol 447׀28 june 2007

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