27 декабря 2024
Спортивный 2024 год: успехи наших коллег
1. (Q1) Shalygin A.S., Nesterov N.S., Prikhod'ko S.A., Adonin N.Yu., Martyanov O.N., Kazarian S.G. Interactions of CO2 with the homologous series of СnMIMBF4 ionic liquids studied in situ ATR-FTIR spectroscopy: spectral characteristics, thermodynamic parameters and their correlation // J. Molecular Liquids, 315 (2020) 113694, DOI: 10.1016/j.molliq.2020.113694
2. (Q1) Philippov A.A., Chibiryaev A.M., Martyanov O.N. Catalyzed Transfer Hydrogenation by 2-propanol for Highly Selective PAHs Reduction // Catalysis Today, (2020), DOI: 10.1016/j.cattod.2020.06.060
3. (Q1) Алексеев Е.С., Алентьев А.Ю., Белова А.С., Богдан В.И., Богдан Т.В., Быстрова А.В., Гафарова Э.Р., Голубева Е.Н., Гребенник Е.А., Громов О.И., Даванков В.А., Злотин С.Г., Киселев М.Г., Коклин А.Е., Кононевич Ю.Н., Лажко А.Э., Любимов С.Е., Мартьянов О.Н., Мишанин И.И., Музафаров А.М., Нестеров Н.С., Николаев А.Ю., Опарин Р.Д., Паренаго О.O., Паренаго О.П., Покусаева Я.А., Ронова И.А., Соловьева А.Б., Темников М.Н., Тимашев П.С., Турова О.В., Филатова Е.В., Филиппов А.А., Чибиряев А.М., Шалыгин А.С., Лунин В.В. Сверхкритические флюиды в химии // Успехи химии, 89 (2020) 1337–1427. (Alekseev E.S., Alentiev A.Yu., Belova A.S., Bogdan V.I., Bogdan T.V., Bystrova A.V., Gafarova E.R., Golubeva E.N., Grebenik E.A., Gromov O.I., Davankov V.A., Zlotin S.G., Kiselev M.G., Koklin A.E., Kononevich Yu.N., Lazhko A.E., Lunin V.V., Lyubimov S.E., Martyanov O.N., Mishanin I.I., Muzafarov A.M., Nesterov N.S., Nikolaev A.Yu., Oparin R.D., Parenago O.O., Parenago O.P., Pokusaeva Ya.A., Ronova I.A., Solovieva A.B., Temnikov M.N., Timashev P.S., Turova O.V., Filatova E.V., Philippov A.A., Chibiryaev A.M., Shalygin A.S., Supercritical fluids in chemistry, Russ. Chem. Rev., 89 (2020) 1337–1427, DOI: 10.1070/RCR4932)
4. (Q1) Nazimov D.A., Klimov O.V., Danilova I.G., Trukhan S.N., Saiko A.V., Cherepanova S.V., Chesalov Y.A., Martyanov O.N., Noskov A.S. Effect of Alumina Polymorph on the Dehydrogenation Activity of Supported Chromia/Alumina Catalysts // Journal of Catalysis, 391 (2020) 35-47. DOI: 10.1016/j.jcat.2020.08.006
5. (Q2) Panchenko V.N., Kostyukov A.I., Shabalin A.Y., Paukshtis E.A., Glazneva T.S., Kazarian S.G., New insight into titanium-magnesium Ziegler-Natta catalysts with photoluminescence spectroscopy, Appl. Spectrosc. (2020) DOI: 10.1177/0003702820927434
6. (Q1) Selivanova A.V., Kremneva A.M., Saraev A.A., Kaichev V.V., Bukhtiyarov V.I. Multilayer Adsorption of Methanol on Platinum at Low Temperatures // Applied Surface Science, 535 (2021) 147717:1-6, DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2020.147717
7. (Q1) Nesterov N.S., Smirnov A.A., Pakharukova V.P., Yakovlev V.A., Martyanov O.N. Advanced Green Approaches for the Synthesis of NiCu-Containing Catalysts for the Hydrodeoxygenation of Anisole // Catalysis Today, (2020), DOI: 10.1016/j.cattod.2020.09.006
8. (Q1) Shalygin A.S., Katcin A., Barnyakov A., Daniluk A., Martyanov O. Dependence of the refractive index of transparent ZrO2-SiO2 aerogels on the density and zirconium content // Ceramics International, (2020), DOI: 10.1016/j.ceramint.2020.12.093
1. Kaichev V.V., Selivanova A.V., Tsapina A.M., Saraev A.A., Bukhtiyarov V.I. Non-classical adsorption of methanol on palladium: the competition between adsorption of single molecules and clusters, J. Phys. Chem. C. 123 (2019) 7259.
2. Ewing A.V., Kazarian S.G., Recent advances in the applications of vibrational spectroscopic imaging and mapping to pharmaceutical formulations, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 197 (2018) 10-29.
3. Martyanov O.N., Larichev Yu.V., Morozov E.V., Trukhan S.N., Kazarian S.G., The Stability and Evolution of Oil Systems Studied via Advanced Methods in situ, Rus. Chem. Rev. 86 (2017) 999 -1023.
4. Saraev A.A., Vinokurov Z.S., Kaichev V.V., Shmakov A.N., Bukhtiyarov V.I. The origin of self-sustained reaction-rate oscillations in the oxidation of methane over nickel: an operando XRD and mass spectrometry study, Catal. Sci. Technol. 7 (2017) 1946.
5. Gabrienko A.A., Martyanov O.N., Kazarian S.G., Behavior of Asphaltenes in Crude Oil at High-Pressure CO2 Conditions: In Situ ATR-FTIR Spectroscopic Imaging Study, Energy & Fuels, 30 (2016) 4750.
6. Ewing A.V., Clarke G.S., Kazarian S.G., ATR-FTIR spectroscopic imaging of pharmaceuticals in microfluidic devices, Biomicrofluidics 10 (2016) 024125
7. Kaichev V.V., Teschner D., Saraev A.A., Kosolobov S.S., Gladky A.Y., Prosvirin I.P., Rudina N.A., Ayupov A.B., Blume R., Hävecker M., Knop-Gericke A., Schlögl R., Latyshev A.V., Bukhtiyarov V.I. Evolution of selfsustained kinetic oscillations in the catalytic oxidation of propane over a nickel foil, J. Catalysis 334 (2016) 23.
8. Chan K.L.A., Kazarian S.G., Attenuated total reflection Fourier-transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) imaging of tissues and live cells, Chemical Society Reviews 45 (2016) 1850-1864.
9. Kazarian S.G., Chan K.L.A., ATR-FTIR spectroscopic imaging: recent advances and applications to biological systems, Analyst 138 (2013) 1940 – 1951.
10. Chan K.L.A., Kazarian S.G., Aberration-free FTIR spectroscopic imaging of live cells in microfluidic devices, Analyst 138 (2013) 4040-4047.
11. Сhan K.L.A., Kazarian S.G., FTIR spectroscopic imaging of reactions in multiphase flow in microfluidic channels, Analytical Chemistry 84(9) (2012) 4052-4056.
12. Chan K.L.A., Niu X., de Mello A.J., Kazarian, S.G., Generation of chemical movies: FTIR spectroscopic imaging of segmented flows, Analytical Chemistry 83 (2011) 3606-3609.
13. Chan K.L.A., Niu X., Kazarian S.G., Rapid prototyping of microfluidic devices for integrating with FT-IR spectroscopic imaging, Lab on a Chip 10 (2010) 2170-2174.
14. Kazarian S.G., Chan K.L.A., Micro- and macro-attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic imaging (Focal Point article), Applied Spectroscopy 64 (2010) 135A-152A.
15. Knop‐Gericke A., Kleimenov E., Hävecker M., Blume R., Teschner D., Zafeiratos S., Schlögl R., Bukhtiyarov V.I., Kaichev V.V., Prosvirin I.P., Nizovskii A.I., Bluhm H., Barinov A., Dudin P., Kiskinova M. Chapter 4. XRay Photoelectron Spectroscopy for Investigation of Heterogeneous Catalytic Processes, Adv. Catal. 52 (2009) 213.
16. Chan K.L.A., Gulati S., Edel, J.B., De Mello A., Kazarian S.G., Chemical imaging of microfluidic flows using ATR-FTIR spectroscopy, Lab on a Chip 9 (2009) 2909 – 2913.
17. Kazarian S.G., Enhancing high-throughput technology and microfluidics with FTIR spectroscopic imaging, Anal.Bioanal. Chem. 388 (2007) 529 – 532.
18. Chan K.L.A., Kazarian S.G., ATR-FTIR spectroscopic imaging with expanded field of view to study formulations and dissolution, Lab on a Chip 6 (2006) 864 – 870.
19. Kazarian S.G., Chan, K.L.A., "Chemical photography" of drug release, Macromolecules 36 (2003) 9866
20. Bukhtiyarov V.I., Kaichev V.V., Knop‐Gericke A., Mayer R.W., Schlögl R., X-Ray Absorption and Photoemission Studies of the Active Oxygen for Ethylene Epoxidation over Silver, Catal. Lett. 74 (2001) 121.