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№ 63


  • Владимир Александрович Лихолобов
    К 65-летию со дня рождения
  • Международная молодежная конференция
    «Функциональные материалы в катализе и энергетике»
  • Рабочее совещание «Катализ в промышленности. Задачи. Пути решения»
  • Российско-китайский семинар по новым каталитическим материалам и технологиям
  • Круглый стол «НИАП-КАТАЛИЗАТОР» и НАК «Азот»
  • За рубежом
  • Приглашения на конференции

Владимир Александрович Лихолобов


Международная молодежная конференция
«Функциональные материалы в катализе и энергетике»


Рабочее совещание
«Катализ в промышленности. Задачи. Пути решения»


Российско-китайский семинар
по новым каталитическим материалам и технологиям


Круглый стол «НИАП-КАТАЛИЗАТОР» и НАК «Азот»


За рубежом

Design and Applications of Single-Site Heterogeneous Catalysts

Contributions to Green Chemistry, Clean Technology and Sustainability

By Sir John Meurig Thomas (University of Cambridge, UK)

“This book will certainly become a milestone in the attempts
to develop unifying concepts in catalysis.”
Gerhard Ertl
Nobel Laureate, Chemistry, 2007

For far too long chemists and industrialists have relied on the use of aggressive reagents such as nitric and sulphuric acids, permanganates and dichromates to prepare the massive quantities of both bulk and fine chemicals that are needed for the maintenance of civilised life — mate-rials such as fuels, fabrics, foodstuffs, fertilisers and pharmaceuticals. Such aggressive reagents generate vast quantities of environmentally harmful and often toxic by-products, including the oxides of nitrogen, of metal oxides and carbon dioxide.

Now, owing to recent advances made in the synthesis of nanoporous solids, it is feasible to design new solid catalysts that enable benign, mild oxidants to be used, frequently without utilising solvents, to manufacture the products that the chemical, pharmaceutical, agro- and bio-chemical industries require. These new solid agents are designated single-site heterogeneous catalysts (SSHCs). Their principal characteristics are that all the active sites present in the high-area solids are identical in their atomic environment and hence in their energy of interaction with reactants, just as in enzymes.

Single-site heterogeneous catalysts now occupy a position of growing importance both academically and in their potential for commercial exploitation. This text, the only one devoted to such catalysts, dwells both on principles of design and on applications, such as the benign synthesis of nylon 6 and vitamin B3. It equips the reader with unifying insights required for future catalytic adventures in the quest for sustainability in the materials used by humankind.

Anyone acquainted with the language of molecules, including undergraduates in the physical and biological sciences, as well as graduates in engineering and materials science, should be able to assimilate the principles and examples presented in this book. Inter alia, it describes how clean technology and ‘green’ processes may be carried out in an environmentally responsible manner.


Basics and Background:

  • Introduction to the Salient Features of Single-Site Heterogeneous Catalysts
  • Lessons from the Biological World: The Kinship between Enzymes and Single-Site Heterogeneous Catalysts
  • Distinctions between Single-Site Heterogeneous Catalysts and Immobilized Homogeneous Catalysts

Microporous Open Structures:

  • Microporous Open Structures for the Design of New Single-Site Heterogeneous Catalysts
  • Single-Site Heterogeneous Catalysts for the Production of Pharmaceuticals, Agrochemicals, Fine and Bulk Chemicals

Mesoporous Open Structures:

  • Epoxidations and Sustainable Utilization of Renewable Feedstocks, Production of Vitamin E Intermediates, Conversion of Ethene to Propene and
  • Solvent-Free, One-Step Synthesis of Esters
  • Exploiting Nanospace for Asymmetric Conversions
  • Multinuclear, Bimetallic Nanocluster Catalysts

Readership: Students, professionals, some industrial scientists.

Импакт-факторы журналов по химической технологии,
выпускаемых издательством Elsevier

The latest Impact Factor figures from Elsevier's Chemical Engineering journals

Journal titles
listed alphabetically
Impact Factor
Advanced Powder Technology 1.612
Applied Catalysis A, General 3.903
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 5.625
Applied Energy 5.106
Biochemical Engineering Journal 2.645
Catalysis Communications 2.986
Catalysis Today 3.407
Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensification 1.924
Chemical Engineering Journal 3.461
Chemical Engineering Research and Design 1.968
Chemical Engineering Science 2.431
Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering 0.826
Combustion and Flame 3.585
Computers and Chemical Engineering 2.320
Desalination 2.590
Dyes and Pigments 3.126
Filtration & Separation 0.111
Fluid Phase Equilibria 2.139
Food and Bioproducts Processing 1.940
Fuel 3.248
Fuel Processing Technology 2.945
Hydrometallurgy 2.027
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 2.170
International Journal of Mineral Processing 1.304
Journal of Aerosol Science 2.447
Journal of Bionic Engineering 1.023
Journal of Catalysis 6.002
Journal of Colloid And Interface Science 3.070
Journal of Food Engineering 2.414
Journal of Hazardous Materials 4.173
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 1.977
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 0.913
Journal of Membrane Science 3.850
Journal of Molecular Catalysis. A, Chemical 2.947
Journal of Molecular Catalysis. B, Enzymatic 2.735
Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry 1.348
Journal of Process Control 1.696
Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 2.110
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 3.285
Minerals Engineering 1.352
Particuology 1.423
Powder Technology 2.080
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 3.633
Process Biochemistry 2.627
Process Safety and Environmental Protection 1.050
Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 14.220
Reactive and Functional Polymers 2.479
Separation and Purification Technology 2.921
The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 2.860
Utilities Policy 0.804
Water Research 4.86

Journal Citation Reports®, published by Thomson Reuters, 2012

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Enantiopure Monoprotected cis-1,2-Diaminocyclohexane: One-Step Preparation and Application in Asymmetric Organocatalysis
Prof. Dr. A. Berkessel, M.-C. Ong, M. Nachi, Dr. J.-M. Neudörfl

Aqueous-Phase Hydrogenation of Acetic Acid over Transition Metal Catalysts  
Hakan Olcay, Dr. Lijun Xu, Dr. Ye Xu, Prof. George W. Huber


Catalytic Oxy-Functionalization of Methane and Other Hydrocarbons: Fundamental Advancements and New Strategies
Joanna R. Webb, Tamara Bolaño and T. Brent Gunnoe

Catalytic Oxidative Dehydration of Glycerol over a Catalyst with Iron Oxide Domains Embedded in an Iron Orthovanadate Phase
Feng Wang, Jie Xu, Jean-Luc Dubois and Wataru Ueda

A Tandem Water-Splitting Device Based on a Bio-inspired Manganese Catalyst
Robin Brimblecombe, Annette Koo, G. Charles Dismukes, Gerhard F. Swiegers and Leone Spiccia

Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis

Carbenes Made Easy: Formation of Unsymmetrically Substituted N-Heterocyclic Carbene Complexes of Palladium(II), Platinum(II) and Gold(I) from Coordinated Isonitriles and their Catalytic Activity
A. Stephen K. Hashmi, Christian Lothschütz, Constantin Böhling, Tobias Hengst, Christoph Hubbert, Frank Rominger

Finding Furfural Hydrogenation Catalysts via Predictive Modelling
Zea Strassberger, Maurice Mooijman, Eelco Ruijter, Albert H. Alberts, Ana G. Maldonado, Romano V. A. Orru, Gadi Rothenberg

Angewandte Chemie IE

An Efficient Titanium Catalyst for Enantioselective Cyanation of Aldehydes: Cooperative Catalysis
Zhipeng Zhang, Zheng Wang, Ruzhou Zhang and Kuiling Ding

Preparation and Regioselective Diels–Alder Reactions of Borylbenzynes: Synthesis of Functionalized Arylboronates
Takashi Ikawa, Akira Takagi, Yurio Kurita, Kozumo Saito, Kenji Azechi, Masahiro Egi, Keisuke Kakiguchi, Yasuyuki Kita and Shuji Akai

Palladium-Catalyzed β Arylation of Carboxylic Esters
Alice Renaudat, Ludivine Jean-Gérard, Rodolphe Jazzar, Christos E. Kefalidis, Eric Clot and Olivier Baudoin

Chemistry – A European Journal

Unifying Metal and Bronsted Acid Catalysis—Concepts, Mechanisms, and Classifications
Magnus Rueping, Rene M. Koenigs, Iuliana Atodiresei

Selective Iron-Catalyzed Oxidation of Phenols and Arenes with Hydrogen Peroxide: Synthesis of Vitamin E Intermediates and Vitamin K3
Konstanze Möller, Gerrit Wienhöfer, Kristin Schröder, Benoit Join, Kathrin Junge, Matthias Beller

Modulation of the Aerobic Oxidative Polymerization in Phenylazomethine Dendrimers Assembling Copper Complexes
Takane Imaoka, Yuki Kawana, Masahiro Tsuji, Kimihisa Yamamoto

Chemistry – An Asian Journal

Catalytic Enantioselective Arylation of Glyoxylate with Arylsilanes: Practical Synthesis of Optically Active Mandelic Acid Derivatives
Kohsuke Aikawa, Yūta Hioki, Koichi Mikami

A Heterobimetallic Ni/La-salan Complex for Catalytic Asymmetric Decarboxylative 1,4-Addition of Malonic Acid Half-Thioester
Makoto Furutachi, Shinsuke Mouri, Shigeki Matsunaga, Masakatsu Shibasaki

Helvetica Chimica Acta Enzyme-Catalyzed Stereoselective Synthesis of Two Novel Carbasugar Derivatives
Ayşegül Gümüş, Cihangir Tanyeli

Chinese Journal of Chemistry

Theoretical Investigation on the Mechanism and Design of Catalysts for Nitrolysis of Hexamine

Liangwei Shi, Gang Zhao, Yazhu Zhang, Changwu Zheng, Guangming Qin, Jian Lü

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