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№ 60


  • Г.И. Панов
    Российский конгресс по катализу
  • Т.В. Соболева
    XIX Менделеевский съезд по общей и прикладной химии
  • А.Л. Максимов, Т.В. Соболева
    X Школа-конференция молодых ученых по нефтехимии
  • Нобелевская премия по химии 2011
  • За рубежом
  • Приглашения на конференции
  • При Отделении химии НАН Украины создан Научный совет по катализу

Российский конгресс по катализу


XIX Менделеевский съезд по общей и прикладной химии


X Школа-конференция молодых ученых по нефтехимии


Нобелевская премия по химии 2011


За рубежом


Новые журналы в области химии

    Начинается выход в пилотном режиме нового электронного журнала с открытым доступом Catalysis for Sustainable Energy издательства Versita  (ассоциировано с издательством Шпрингер, Варшава, Польша).

    Соредакторы журнала: 
проф. Дмитрий  Мурзин (университет Або, Финляндия),
д.х.н. Владислав  Садыков (Институт катализа им. Г.К. Борескова СО РАН, Новосибирск, Россия). 
В состав редколлегии входят акад. В.В. Лунин (Россия), проф. Джеймс Думесик (США), Джон Ирвайн (Великобритания) и другие видные ученые.

Сайт журнала http://versita.com/cse или http://versitaopen.com/cse

Журнал будет оперативно  публиковать  результаты  исследований в области водородной энергетики, топливных элементов, биотоплив и т.д. В течение двухлетнего стартового периода публикация в журнале будет бесплатной.

Для помощи в привлечении потенциальных авторов и подготовке публикаций предполагается участие в работе редакционной  коллегии молодых ученых из разных стран, хорошо владеющих английским языком. Для обсуждения возможного участия в такой работе можно связаться с В.А. Садыковым: sadykov@catalysis.ru

Catalysis for Sustainable Energy publishes papers covering all aspects of catalysis relevant for sustainable energy generation, including design of catalysts, their characterization, kinetics and mechanisms of reactions, deactivation/regeneration, design of fuel cells and reactors, estimation of process parameters, their modeling and optimization. Catalysis in fuel cells (PEMC, SOFC), hydrogen energy in general; catalysis in production of syngas, hydrogen and biofuels (biodiesel and green diesel production, upgrading of fats and oils from renewable sources; catalytic upgrading of glycerol; conversion of biomass derived carbohydrates to fuels, catalysis in depolymerization of lignin; catalytic pyrolysis of biomass; catalytic upgrading of bio-oil: biomass gasification in the presence of catalysts; BTL; production of renewable hydrogen; catalytic transformation of CO2 to fuels, as well as other relevant to catalysis for sustainable energy topics will be considered.

    Journal Editors:
Dmitry Yu. Murzin, Åbo Akademi University, Turku, Finland, dmurzin@versita.com
Vladislav A. Sadykov, Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, Novosibirsk, Russia, vsadykov@versita.com


— новый журнал по химической технологии, издается с 2011 года Elsevier Ltd.

Professor K.K. Sirkar
Dept. of Chemical Engineering, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA

Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering is devoted to commissioning short and focused review articles written by experts on current advances in different areas of chemical engineering.

Each review article commissioned by the journal will

  • acquaint the reader with the most important recent papers in the given topic
  • provide the reader with the views and opinions of an expert in each topic
  • serve as an invaluable source of information for researchers, teachers, professionals and students
  • stimulate the exchange of ideas among experts.


ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS — новый мультидисциплинарный журнал, посвященный материалам для использования, преобразования и хранения энергии; издается с 2011 года Wiley-VCH.

До конца 2012 года предоставляется свободный доступ ко всем статьям, опубликованным в журнале: wileyonlinelibrary.com/newjournals
Editor-in-Chief: Martin Ottmar
Deputy Editor: Carolina Novo

Established in 2011, Advanced Energy Materials is an international, interdisciplinary, English-language forum of original peer-reviewed contributions on materials used in all forms of energy harvesting, conversion and storage. Advanced Energy Materials covers all topics in energy-related research:

  • organic and inorganic photovoltaics
  • batteries and supercapacitors
  • fuel cells
  • hydrogen generation and storage
  • thermoelectrics
  • water splitting and photocatalysis
  • solar fuels and thermosolar power
  • magnetocalorics
  • piezoelectronics

Advanced Energy Materials publishes invited Reviews and Progress Reports, high-impact Full Papers, and rapid Communications with the same article specifications as Advanced Materials and Advanced Functional Materials.

Advanced Energy Materials is committed to swift processing and publication of contributions: Using the new Advanced Materials online page proofing system, the editor and the publisher aim to publish papers online within ten weeks of submission.

Readership of Advanced Energy Materials are materials scientists, chemists, physicists and engineers in academia as well as industry.

Наиболее яркие статьи
по химической технологии

AIChE Journal
Green process for methacrolein separation with ionic liquids in the production of methyl methacrylate
Ruiyi Yan, Zengxi Li, Yanyan Diao, Chao Fu, Hui Wang, Chunshan Li, Qiong Chen, Xiangping Zhang, Suojiang Zhang
Systemic failures: Challenges and opportunities in risk management in complex systems
Venkat Venkatasubramanian

Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering
Sequencing batch reactor technology for biological wastewater treatment: a review
Mohini Singh, R. K. Srivastava
Pilot plant study on biodiesel production from Karanja and Jatropha oils
Gajanan Sahu, L. M. Das, B. K. Sharma, S. N. Naik

Biofuels, Bioproducts & Biorefining
Advancements in solid acid catalysts for ecofriendly and economically viable synthesis of biodiesel
Yogesh C. Sharma, Bhaskar Singh and John Korstad
The conversion of lignocellulosics to levulinic acid Darryn W Rackemann and William OS Doherty

Flame Aerosol Synthesis of Metal Oxide Catalysts with Unprecedented Structural and Catalytic Properties
Dr. Bjoern Schimmoeller, Prof. Dr. Sotiris E. Pratsinis and Prof. Dr. Alfons Baiker
Sinter-Resistant Pd/SiO2 Nanocatalyst Prepared by Impregnation Method
Bing Li, Prof. Wei-Zheng Weng, Qing Zhang, Zhao-Wen Wang and Prof. Hui-Lin Wan
Enhanced Catalytic Performance by Zirconium Phosphate-Modified SiO2-Supported Ru[BOND]Co Catalyst for Fischer–Tropsch Synthesis
Dr. Jong Wook Bae, Seon-Ju Park, Min Hee Woo, Joo Young Cheon,
Dr. Kyoung-Su Ha, Dr. Ki-Won Jun, Dr. Dong-Hyun Lee and Dr. Hyun Min Jung

Chemical Engineering & Technology
Lignin Depolymerization and Conversion: A Review of Thermochemical Methods
M. P. Pandey, C. S. Kim
The IBUS Process – Lignocellulosic Bioethanol Close to a Commercial Reality
J. Larsen, M. Østergaard Petersen, L. Thirup, H. Wen Li, F. Krogh Iversen
Optimization of a Continuous Precipitation Process to Produce Nanoscale BaSO4
M. Pieper, S. Aman, W. Hintz, J. Tomas

Chemie Ingenieur Technik
Chiral Metal-Organic Frameworks and Their Application in Asymmetric Catalysis and Stereoselective Separation
Georg Nickerl, Antje Henschel, Ronny Grünker, Kristina Gedrich, Prof. Dr. Stefan Kaskel
Cellulose und heterogene Katalyse – Eine Kombination mit Zukunft
Prof. Dr. Regina Palkovits
Towards Small-Scale Continuous Chemical Production: Technology Gaps and Challenges
Aneta Pashkova, Dr. Lasse Greiner

Ionic Liquid Catalysed Synthesis of Beta-Hydroxy Ketones
Sanjib Kumar Karmee and Ulf Hanefeld
Enhanced Catalytic Activity of Sub-nanometer Titania Clusters Confined inside Double-Wall Carbon Nanotubes
Hongbo Zhang, Xiulian Pan, Jingyue Liu, Weizhong Qian, Fei Wei, Yuying Huang and Xinhe Bao
Hydrolysis of Cellulose into Glucose by Magnetic Solid Acid
Da-ming Lai, Li Deng, Jiang Li, Bing Liao, Qing-xiang Guo, and Yao Fu

Color Research & Application
Logo colour and differentiation: A new application of environmental colour mapping
Zena O'Connor
Experimental determination of laws of color harmony. Part 5: The harmony content of the various hue triads
Antal Nemcsics

Coloration Technology
Colour and fastness of natural dyes: revival of traditional dyeing techniques
Maria Zarkogianni, Eleni Mikropoulou, Evangelia Varella, Eforia Tsatsaroni
Cotton fabric dyeing with cochineal extract: influence of mordant concentration
Gabriela Arroyo-Figueroa, Graciela M L Ruiz-Aguilar,
German Cuevas-Rodriguez, Guillermo Gonzalez Sanchez

Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy
Bench-scale fluidized-bed fast pyrolysis of peanut shell for bio-oil production
Changsen Zhang, Ruiqin Zhang, Xipeng Li, Yuewei Li, Wen Shi, Xiantao Ren, Xingmin Xu
Investigation and modeling of cesium(I) adsorption by Turkish clays: Bentonite, zeolite, sepiolite, and kaolinite
Seval Bayülken, Elvan Başçetin, Kubilay Güçlü, Reşat Apak

Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology
On scale and magnitude of pressure build-up induced by large-scale geologic storage of CO2
Quanlin Zhou and Jens T. Birkholzer
The recent development of CO2 fixation and conversion by ionic liquid
Jianmin Zhang et al

Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology
Microalgae as feedstock for biodiesel production: Carbon dioxide sequestration, lipid production and biofuel quality
Érika C Francisco, Débora B Neves, Eduardo Jacob-Lopes and Telma T Franco
Electrochemical photovoltaic cells—review of recent developments
Di Wei, Piers Andrew and Tapani Ryhänen

Macromolecular Materials and Engineering
Rheology and Mixing of Granular Materials
Devang V. Khakhar
Emulsion Drops with Complex Interfaces: Globular Versus Flexible Proteins
Philipp Erni, Erich J. Windhab, Peter Fischer
Morphology and Properties of Poly(propylene)/Ethylene-Octene Copolymer Blends Containing Nanosilica
Sung Hyo Lee, Mathieu Bailly, Marianna Kontopoulou

Process Safety Progress
Imperial sugar refinery combustible dust explosion investigation
John B. Vorderbrueggen PE
The integration of process safety into a chemical reaction engineering course: Kinetic modeling of the T2 incident
Ronald J. Willey, H. Scott Fogler, Michael B. Cutlip

The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering
CFD simulation of stirred tanks: Comparison of turbulence models. Part I: Radial flow impellers
Jyeshtharaj B. Joshi, Nandkishor K. Nere, Chinmay V. Rane, B. N. Murthy, Channamallikarjun S. Mathpati, Ashwin W. Patwardhan, Vivek V. Ranade
Equilibrium calculations for direct synthesis of dimethyl ether from syngas
G.R. Moradi, J. Ahmadpour, F. Yaripour, J. Wang

Приглашения на конференции


При Отделении химии НАН Украины создан Научный совет по катализу


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