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№ 52


Валерий Васильевич Лунин
(к 70-летию со дня рождения)

Постановления Президиума РАН
"О присуждении премии имени В.Н. Ипатьева 2009 года"
"О присуждении премии имени A.M. Бутлерова 2009 года"

О.О. Паренаго
V Международная научно-практическая конференция «Сверхкритические флюиды: фундаментальные основы, технологии, инновации»

Е.А. Козлова, О.П. Таран, Л.Я. Старцева
1-й Российско-Индийский симпозиум «Катализ и технологии защиты окружающей среды»

Т.В. Замулина
1-я Всероссийская конференция «Методы исследования состава и структуры функциональных материалов»

Т.В. Замулина, В.А. Яковлев
"Семинар на берегах Атлантики"

За рубежом

Приглашения на конференции

Валерий Васильевич Лунин (к 70-летию со дня рождения)


Постановления Президиума РАН


V Международная научно-практическая конференция


Российско-индийский симпозиум "Каталитические технологии для защиты окружающей среды"


Конференция "Методы исследования состава и структуры функциональных материалов"


Семинар на берегах Атлантики


За рубежом

The ACS National Awards Program: Recognizing Premier Chemical Professionals in Extraordinary Ways

Selected 2008 ACS National Awards and Respective Award Recipients

Priestley Medal sponsored by the American Chemical Society; Gabor A. Somorjai, University of California, Berkeley. Address to be presented before the general meeting of the American Chemical Society on Tuesday, April 8, at The Sugar Mill, and the Division of Colloid & Surface Chemistry.

Gabor A. Somorjai Award for Creative Research in Catalysis sponsored by the Gabor A. & Judith K. Somorjai Endowment Fund; Avelino Corma Canos, Instituto de Technologia Quimica, UPV-CSIC. Address to be presented before the Catalysis & Surface Science Secretariat.

Congratulations to Gabor Somojai on His Selection as the 2008 Priestley Medalist

ACS Publications would like to extend its most sincere congratulations to Gabor A. Somorjai on his being awarded the 2008 Priestley Medal in recognition of his :”extraordinarily creative and original contributions to surface science and catalysis.” Widely considered as the father of modern surface chemistry, the methods that Somorjai developed have been invaluable for elucidating chemical reaction pathways in heterogeneous (surface) catalysis with his contributions leading to major advances in microelectronics and data storage technologies.

At the time of this publication, Somorjai has contributed 177 articles to ACS journals, which have been cited over 1,600 times. His work spans The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Macromolecules, Nano Letters, Journal of the American Chemical Society, Langmuir, Chemistry of Materials, Accounts of Chemical Research, Chemical Reviews, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Fundamentals, and Energy & Fuels.

The Journal of Physical Chemistry Festschrift in his honor notes, “Comments must also be made about Gabor’s other, and really overarching, contribution to the development of the field of surface chemistry. That is his contribution as teacher and effective spokesman for the field. Over the past thirty-five years he has trained more than ninety graduate students and more than one hundred postdoctoral associates. These students and research associates have had an enormous impact on the practice of this science and its development as a research field.... Gabor’s unflagging enthusiasm for his science, his devotion to his students, and his ability to clearly express his ideas in the literature and in lectures around the world have really identified the field of surface chemistry with him.”

In addition to his written contributions to ACS, Dr. Somorjai is also the father of Nano Letters Coordinating Editor Dr. Nicole S. Alivisatos, and served as research advisor to The Journal of Physical Chemistry Senior Editor Dr. Francisco Zaera. ACS Publications congratulates Dr. Somorjai for his award and thanks him for his numerous contributions to ACS journals as well as to the advancement of the scientific enterprise.

To view more details about Gabor Somorjai’s research, publications, awards and honors, and mentees see the Gabor Somorjai Festschrift referenced above in The Journal of Physical Chemistry B,Volume 104, Issue 14.

Discover the latest News in Catalysis


Come and hear Nobel Laureates:

Celebrate 10 Years of ChemPhysChem and ChemBioChem at the One-Day Symposium at the Maison de la Chimie in Paris. The list of speakers include four Nobel Laureates: Gerhard Ertl, Jean-Marie Lehn, Roger Y. Tsien, Ada Yonath.

ChemCatChem, the new journal from Wiley-VCH, keeps you up to date with the latest developments in all fields of catalysis, with a Review on Hydrogenation of Functionalized Nitroarenes by H.-U. Blaser et al. and a Minireview on Chiral Crystals, Chiral Surfaces, and Asymmetric Heterogeneous Catalysis by K.D.M. Harris and J.M. Thomas. The cover of Surface Synergistic Effects in Catalytic Hydrodechlorination by M.A. Keane et al.


In 2010 for all users from institutions that have registered. Ask your librarian to register for complimentary online access TODAY

ChemBioChem -A European Journal of Chemical Biology, is a major international forum for enzyme catalysis and biocatalysis. Highly recommended reading include the recent papers by David O'Hagan and colleagues and Mikael Bols et al.. Stay in the know: download your copy.

Catalysis and Sustainability are two topics that go hand-in-hand.

Recently ChemSusChem published a Special Issue on exactly this topic, and we have been keeping up with the latest developments by bringing you papers on telomerization (Klein Gebbink, Weckhuysen, et al.), carbonate conversion (C. N. R. Rao et al.), and many other catalysis topics. Read about it in ChemSusChem, the journal of choice for forward-thinking scientists.

Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis

In his recently published Review, Construction of Heterocycle Scaffolds via Transition Metal- Catalyzed sp2 C–H Functionalization, Ming Zhang from Jiangxi Normal University (P.R. China) aims at classifying the methods reported in the literature and at inspiring further investigations.

Angewandte Chemie always highlights a wide range of areas: recent Minireviews include catalysis with metal–organic frameworks by D. Farrusseng et al., aqueous olefin metathesisby D. Burtscher and K. Grela, and radical and electron recycling in catalysis by W. Buckel.

Chinese Journal of Chemistry

Pervaporation Separation and Catalysis Activity of Novel Zirconium Silicalite-1 Zeolite Membrane are the focus of a Full Paper by Chen Pei and co-workers.


Juozas Kulys and Regina Vidziunaite present a Laccase Based Synergistic Electrocatalytical System. Such synergistic substrates might be useful for the development of highly sensitive bioelectrodes and powerful cathodes for biofuel cells.

Have you signed up for Applied Organometallic Chemistry table of content e-alerts?

If you do, you will keep up-to-date with the latest research published within all aspects of organometallic chemistry, including catalysis: Biphasic oligomerization of ethylene with nickel complexes immobilized in organochloroaluminate ionic liquidsLixia Pei, Xianmei Liu , Haiyang Gao , Qing Wu

Rapid, highly efficient and chemoselective trimethylsilylation of alcohols and phenols with hexamethyldisilazane (HMDS) catalyzed by reusable electron-deficient tin(IV)porphyrin Majid Moghadam, Shahram Tangestaninejad, Valiollah Mirkhani, Iraj Mohammadpoor-Baltork, Shadab Gharaati

Discover leading peptide research by Nobel laureates published during 2009 within the Journal of Peptide Science

Ribosome's mode of function: myths, facts and recent results Itai Wekselman, Chen Davidovich, Ilana Agmon , Ella Zimmerman, Haim Rozenberg , Anat Bashan , Rita Berisio , Ada Yonath

The persisting challenge of selective and specific proteasome inhibition

Michael Groll , Robert Huber, Luis Moroder


The latest OnlineBooksTM in Catalysis

Recoverable and Recyclable Catalysts
Drawing on international research, Recoverable and Recyclable Catalysts provides the essentials on recoverable and recyclable catalysts. This practical guide explores the general principles of catalyst recovery and recycling, catalysts on insoluble or soluble supports, thermoresponsive catalysts, self-supported catalysts, and more.

Electrocatalysis of Direct Methanol Fuel Cells
Offers a comprehensive description on DMFC electrocatalysis, drawing a clear picture of the current status of DMFC technology, especially the advances, challenges and perspectives in the field. Leading researchers share their knowledge and information on recent advances in the fundamental theories, experimental methodologies and research achievements.

Catalysis for Sustainable Energy Production
Catalysis for Sustainable Energy Production Serves as a basis for defining a roadmap for the role of catalysis in energy production, providing a ready reference for researchers and engineers covers all the hot topics from a broad perspective - fuel cells, hydrogen production and storage, methane storage and industrial catalysis.

Catalytic Asymmetric Friedel-Crafts Alkylations
This first comprehensive overview of this important synthetic reaction covers the whole spectrum of this modern and rapidly developing field. With its representative synthetic procedures, organocatalysis and industrial applications it combines a theoretical basis with practical examples, resulting in valuable advice for beginners and experts alike.

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