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The Second International Environmental Best Practices Conference and AGFES Educational Workshop 14-18 September 2009, Cracow, Poland

13 марта 2009

Conference will be held in the building of the Faculty of Chemistry, Jagiellonian University (R. Ingardena 3 Str., Cracow).

The objective of this joint conference of environmental best practices is to bring together researchers from academic, governmental and industrial institutions to discuss new developments and results in the fields of environmental remediation, wastewater treatment, alternative energy sources, toxicology, surface science and sustainable resource management.

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Announcement and Call for Papers

  • Environmental Remediation
  • Wastewater Treatment
  • Solid Waste Management
  • Alternative Energy Sources
  • Environmental Toxicology
  • Interfacial Phenomena in Environmental Science
  • Resource and Ecosystems Management

On behalf of the Steering Committee, we have the great pleasure of inviting you to attend the 2nd International Environmental Best Practices Conference and AGFES Educational Workshop. Conference will be held in the building of the Faculty of Chemistry, Jagiellonian University (R. Ingardena 3 Str., Cracow). The objective of this joint conference of environmental best practices is to bring together researchers from academic, governmental and industrial institutions to discuss new developments and results in the fields of environmental remediation, wastewater treatment, alternative energy sources, toxicology, surface science and sustainable resource management. It is anticipated that attendees will develop a knowledge and understanding of a broad spectrum of environmental applications and solutions to the challenges facing the world today. We are convinced that your presence will significantly add to the value of the conference, thereby promoting its further development.

This conference is best suited for individuals working in the fields of:

  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Engineering
  • Government Regulation
  • Project Management

The Conference will consist of the following types of contributions:

  • Invited plenary and survey papers, each giving a representative overview of a problem area with case studies;
  • Submitted papers within the scope of the conference;
  • Poster sessions within the scope of the conference; and
  • Discussion sessions on selected important topics of general interest.
  • AGFES Workshop on funding opportunities of research and scholarly activities, grant proposal development and submission, and dissemination of the results.

The Environmental Best Practices Conference will also present the introduction of the Environmental Biotechnology journal. Environmental Biotechnology encompasses, among others, preservation and restoration of fauna, flora, and their environment. Utilisation of Environmental Biotechnology has significantly impacted the world and will be one of the most valuable tools for improving the quality of life for future generations by providing cost effective mechanisms for preserving and restoring natural resources. Biotechnology will also revolutionise many industrial processes by providing the ability to produce energy and chemicals through green processes that will minimise the impact of industrial activities on the environment and reduce the world's dependence on non renewable energy resources. It will also enable the use of biological systems for the remediation of contaminated water and soils that result from many anthropogenic activities. The journal is devoted to biotechnological processes of the nature preservation, protection and restoration, mainly to:

  • cytogenetic and molecular diagnostics of living and ancient organisms,
  • genetic variation of endangered species of flora and fauna,
  • gene banking and species restoration by means of genome engineering,
  • remediation in environmental protection,
  • genotoxicity of organic chemical compounds,
  • treatment of sewage, sewage sludge and solid wastes,
  • assessment of impact of engineering and biotechnological undertakings on the state and functioning of ecosystems.

The aim of Environmental Biotechnology is to learn more about how to preserve and restore natural resources, apply modern science and technology while bearing in mind that nature is a complex, integrated system, functioning in ways that we intend to understand better.

General Chairs:              

Maciej GORA
Faculty of Chemistry
Department of Organic Chemistry
Jagiellonian University
Ingardena 3
30-060 Krakow, Poland
Department of Environmental Biotechnology
Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Fisheries
University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
Sloneczna 45G
10-957 Olsztyn, Poland

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