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Invitation to ICCMR10

17 ноября 2010

Invitation to ICCMR10 ( www.iccmr10.org)

The Organizing Committee is pleased to invite you to join the 10th International Conference on Catalysis in Membrane Reactors(ICCMR10) that will be held on June 20-24,2010, at Saint-Petersburg State Institute of Technology(SPSIT) (Technical University), in Saint-Petersburg, Russia. SPSIT (founded in 1828) is a world-renowned centre of chemistry, chemical technology, biotechnology, nanotechnology,the leading Russian Institution of Higher Education and a modern educational centre of higher vocational education.

The conference intends to bring together the academia, industry and R&D professionals working in this area around the world for exchanging views and technological inputs. The program will consist of invited plenary and keynote lectures and contributed papers on all aspects of catalysis in membrane reactors including poous /dense/ zeolitebased catalytic membranes, functional coating materials and catalysts, inorganic and polymeric membrane reactors, advances and new concepts in membrane reactors, microreactors, bioreactors, photocatalyticreactors, membrane contactors, hydrogen&oxygen production, CO2 separation, fuel cell, nanoscale-based membrane technologies and emerging applications for catalytic membrane reactors.


  • All types of Catalytic Membrane Reactors(Contactors, Extractors, Distributors, etc.), for:
    • chemical synthesis,
    • environmental applications,
    • biological processes,
    • energy production, including fuel cells
  • Membranes for heterogeneous, homogeneous and enzymatic catalysis,
  • Catalyst design for CMRs,
  • Modeling and simulation of CMRs,
  • Other topics related to CMRs

International Advisory Board

  • Angelo Basile (ITM-CNR, Italy)
  • Sibdas Bandyopadhyay (CGCRI, India)
  • Rune Bredesen (SINTEF, Norway)
  • Jürgen Caro (Hannover University, Germany)
  • Jean-Alain Dalmon (IRCELYON, France)
  • Roland Dittmeyer (IMVT, Germany)
  • David Farrusseng (IRCELYON, France)
  • Detlev Fritsch (HZG, Germany)
  • Enrico Drioli (ITM - CNR, Italy)
  • Jan Galuszka (CANMET, Canada)
  • Lidietta Giorno (ITM-CNR, Italy)
  • Ronald Hughes (Salford University, UK)
  • Jean-Pierre Joulin (CTI, France)
  • Anne Julbe (IEM, France)
  • Freek Kapteijn (TU Delft, NL)
  • Eiichi Kikuchi (Waseda University, Japan)
  • Kang Li (Imperial College, UK)
  • Jerry Lin (Arizona State University, USA)
  • Eduardo Lombardo (INCAPE, Argentina)
  • Yi Hua Ma (Worcester Polyt. Instit., USA)
  • Masahiko Matsukata (Waseda University, Japan)
  • Adélio Mendes (Porto University, Portugal)
  • Richard Noble (Colorado University, USA)
  • Gerald Pourcelly (IEM, France)
  • Jesus Santamaria (Zaragoza University, Spain)
  • Miguel Torres (UAM-A, Mexico)
  • Theodore Tsotsis (South Cal. University, USA)
  • Ivo Vankelecom (KULeuven, Belgium)
  • Vladimir Volkov (Topchiev Instit., Russia)
  • Guoxing Xiong (DICP, China)
  • Weishen Yang (DICP, China)
  • Andrew Yaroslavtsev (TIPS RAS, Russia)
  • King Lun Yeung (HKUST, Hong Kong

Local Organisation Committee

  • A.B. Yaroslavtsev – Chairman
  • A.A. Malygin – Co-Chairman

b>Local Scientific Committee

  • S.N. Khadzhiev – Co-Chairman
  • N.V. Lisitsyn – Co-Chairman

Conference Secretariat

E-mail: iccmr10@ips.ac.ru
Fax: +7 (495) 6332580

Important Dates

  • November, 2010: Call for Papers
  • March 20th, 2011: Abstract Submission Deadline
  • April 20th, 2011: Contribution Acceptance
  • May 10th, 2011: Early Registration Deadline
  • June 18th, 2011: Final Registration Deadline

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