4 февраля 2009
Early bird registration before June 1st, 2009
Please visit www.chemsoc.se/sidor/KK/ISHHC_XIV/index.htm
The aim of this international meeting is to bring together practioners in the three fields of catalysis, heterogeneous, homogeneous and enzyme, that utilize mostly nanosize particles. Recent advances in instrumentation, synthesis and reaction studies permit the nanoscale and molecular characterization of the catalyst systems, often for the same reaction, under similar experimental conditions. It is hoped that this circumstance will permit the development of correlations of these three different fields of catalysis on the molecular level. To further this goal we aim to uncover and focus on common concepts that emerge from nanoscale studies of structures and dynamics of the three types of catalysis. The use of these catalysts in selective organic transformations will also be an important topic of this conference.
The meeting will be held in Aula Magna located at the campus of Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden on September 13-18, 2009.
Plenary Speakers
Antonio Echavarren , ICIQ, Tarragona, Spain
Claudio Bianchini, ICCOM-CNR, Florence, Italy
Odile Eisenstein, University of Montpellier, France
Robert Grubbs, California Institute of Technology, USA
Takao Ikariya, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Karl Petter Lillerud , University of Oslo, Norway
David Milstein, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Manfred Reetz, Max-Planck-Institut, Mülheim, Germany
Gabor Somorjai, University of California, Berkeley, USA
John Meurig Thomas , University of Cambridge, UK
Nicholas Turner, University of Manchester, UK
Rutger van Santen, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Keynote Lecturers
Xinhe Bao, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, China
Matthias Beller, University of Rostock, Germany
David Cole-Hamilton, St. Andrews University, Scotland
Dirk De Vos, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, The Netherlands
Christopher Jones, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Wenbin Lin, University of North Carolina, USA
Noritaka Mizuno, University of Tokyo, Japan
Alessandra Quadrelli, University of Lyon, France
Miquel Salmeron, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
Christina White, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaigne, USA