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6th world congress onCatalysis by Acids and Bases Genova, Ancient Harbor May 10-14, 2009 Genova, Italy.

11 января 2009

Dear Colleague,
I have been encharged to organize a symposium with the title “Engineering of structured micro- and mesoporous catalysts” on the frame of6th World Congress on Catalysis by Acids and Bases (ABC-6) Genova (Italy) 10-14 may 2009 Please see some information at the web site http://www.catalisidichep.unige.it/ABC-6.htm

Valentin Valtchev
Laboratoire de Matériaux à Porosité Contrôlée
UMR-7016 CNRS, ENSCMu, Université de Haute Alsace 3, rue Alfred Werner
68093 Mulhouse
Tel: 0389336708
Fax: 0389336885
E-mail: Valentin.Valtchev@univ-mulhouse.fr

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